Matthew Rubinstein - Writer Exploring Christianity, Theology, & Biblical Narrative
Matthew is a writer exploring Christianity and Christ-centered truths. With over twenty years of experience in healthcare, research, and education, he brings a unique perspective rooted in service, learning, and the flourishing of human vocation.
His theological engagement is best described as theological exegesis, an approach that integrates biblical theology, systematic theology, and historical theology to engage canonical Scripture dynamically. Matthew’s work reflects the richness of the integrative Anglican tradition, where Scripture, tradition, and theological reflection intersect, while also drawing from Lutheran theology — particularly its Augsburg Confessions, its embrace of paradox and mystery, its theology of the cross, and its Law and Gospel hermeneutic. He also finds resonance with N.T. Wright’s biblical-theological approach and Karl Barth’s Christocentric, living Word theology, as well as with evidentiary apologetics and historical analysis in grounding theological reflection in both revelation and reason.
Matthew explores diverse facets of Christian thought, weaving together theological insights, inspirational themes, and poetic reflections rooted in scriptural narratives. His work examines how we reflect divine grace through vocation, forgiveness, and acts of goodness, while illuminating overlooked scriptural narratives and grounding Christianity in its Judaic and ancient Israelite roots, in the tradition of authors like Chad Bird. He particularly highlights the interpretative and devotional depth of the Psalms, uncovering their timeless wisdom and enduring role as a key lens for interpreting Scripture through Scripture.
By drawing deeply on these foundations, Matthew seeks to reveal the richness and continuity of God’s unfolding story — from Genesis to the New Covenant. His goal is to engage readers with thought-provoking ideas grounded in truth and grace, inspiring understanding and faith through the Spirit. Everything he writes and creates is meant to glorify God through Christ, with a goal of encouraging others to draw closer to Him.
Matthew is also the founder of PsaltPress™, a collaborative dedicated to meaningful storytelling and theological exploration, amplifying fresh perspectives rooted in God’s truth and grace. Below, you’ll find more information about PsaltPress™, along with videos that delve into its purpose and projects.
In addition to his emerging work in Christian writing, Matthew has published extensively as the primary author in peer-reviewed healthcare journals:
“Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky.” – Psalm 85:10-11 (ESV)
“The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and I love them even as you loved me.” – John 17:22-23 (ESV)
Writing Projects
Psalt in the Gardens, Matthew's current ongoing project, will explore the profound connections between the Psalms and three pivotal gardens in Scripture—the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the New Jerusalem. A devotional non-fiction project with biblical story-telling, it will invite readers to discover how these sacred gardens and timeless psalms intertwine, offering a deeper understanding of God’s redemptive story.
Adam’s Devotion: A New Perspective on the First Man’s Faithfulness, Matthew’s future book project, will challenge traditional interpretations of Adam by uncovering an overlooked narrative—his love, faithfulness, and enduring role in God’s redemptive plan. While Adam is often seen primarily as the one who introduced sin, this book will argue that his devotion to Eve and his participation in God’s purposes after the Fall were essential conditions for the eventual fulfillment of the New Covenant through Christ, the Second Adam. Adam’s acts of naming Eve with dignity, staying with her, and fulfilling God’s command to multiply and fill the earth reveal a quiet yet profound faithfulness that foreshadows Christ's ultimate redemption.